Recent Graduate Resumes Should Include The Information

According to statistics, 1,5 -2 million U.S. students enter the job market every year. This means that all of them need to build their careers and search for a vacancy, which already has tens or even hundreds of other applicants.

That is why it is crucial to build a powerful resume and make the hiring manager want to read it from the first to the last line.

A regular recent graduate resume should contain such sections:

  • Contact information;
  • Summary;
  • Education;
  • Relevant experience;
  • Other activities.

Advices for Recent graduate Resume

If you are a recent graduate, you hardly have experience in resume writing and can feel quite lost or depressed, when trying to complete the task.

First thing you need to understand is how to complete every section and what details to include. Start with your contact information. It should consist of your name, email, a link to your LinkedIn account, contact number and address.

Then you should write a brief summary. It is a separate paragraph, which consists of a couple sentences and aims to show your strongest sides. You can explain who you are, writing down your college major and enumerating key achievements. Hiring managers know that you lack experience, so there is no need to make up information. Just be yourself and try to think of the things, which will be interesting for the employer.

Third section is the most important one for a graduate, as here you need to write about your education. Write down the name of your education institution, years of studies and major. You can also indicate your grade point average (GPA) if it is good enough.

Then you can enumerate your relevant experience. These may even be the simplest duties in various companies, both private and public, which interlink with your major. Write down company’s name, address, title of your position and duties. Try to quantify them if possible, as numbers always add value.

Finish your resume with a section of other activities. Here you can mention various memberships, awards, participation in tournaments or any other important and worth mentioning details.

In addition, you can make a list of soft skills, which are also important, as you will work in a team and the company would want you to be friendly and reliable.

Useful tips

  • Make sure your email is professional. While in college, you have probably created funny nicknames and used logins like ‘busybee’ or ‘redhairdontcare’. However, it definitely sounds unprofessional and you need to create a fresh email, which will consist of your first and last name;
  • Include a LinkedIn account. Over 90% of employers search for candidates on LinkedIn, so you can save their time and include a link. Make sure it looks professional and differs from information you have indicated in your resume;
  • Make a personalized summary. It is very simple to find samples of summaries online and just paraphrase them. However, hiring managers notice such things at once and close resumes immediately. Try to provide examples of your soft skills and achievements instead of using general phrases;
  • Insert keywords. Read the vacancy carefully and write down all the keywords it has. Then try to include them to your resume. For example, to the ‘skills’ section. This will make it much easier for a manager to see whether you are good for a job;
  • No need to write about your high school. Hiring managers don’t need information about your childhood or teenage years, so write only about your higher education;
  • Write down your GPA. However, include it only if it is higher than 3,5. Some employers may ask you why you didn’t add GPA to your resume, so prepare an answer in advance;
  • Put your ‘selling points’ first. If you have outstanding relevant experience, write it just after the summary section. If you can boast internships and rewards, make sure you put such details first;
  • Provide a brief description of a company you have worked with. This will help the hiring manager to get impression of your experience and duties you have completed;
  • Use action verbs. It is quite difficult for a graduate to impress the hiring manager, so you need to insert action worlds, like ‘completed’, ‘created’, ‘managed’ and so on;
  • Provide a list of relevant skills. Scan the vacancy once again and see what skills are required. If you possess them, don’t forget to mention it in your resume. If not, try to find online classes or free books to get new skills and enrich your CV.

Once you are done with completing all of the sections, you need to make sure that your resume contains no mistakes or typos. Use special software or ask someone to read your resume. This will help you to find weak points of the resume and fix them in time.

Order Recent Graduate Resume Thru Our Service

Starting a career is a very exciting and scary thing, as you have no experience and don’t know how to behave yourself. You may feel lost and insecure, when starting to work on your resume and believe us, such behavior will never do you any good.

Even if you know how to write recent graduate resume, you may not have enough time or a writing talent. That is why the best solution will be to turn to a writing company and ask for assistance.

We have been providing similar services for many years and can guarantee that your resume will reflect your strongest sides and will hide even minor imperfections.

You can simply reach our managers and provide your details. We will create an outstanding resume, meeting all your requests and deadlines, significantly increasing your chances of being invited over for an interview.

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